Special Foods And Drinks Are Ready To Accompany You !

3 boneless, skinless chicken bosoms - still solidified
1 can dark beans, flushed (you can likewise utilize your solidified beans)
1 glass salsa (I utilized Picante)
1 glass solidified corn (discretionary)
Spot chicken in simmering pot.
Spot everything else over the chicken and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.
Serve over rice. You could likewise present with tortillas.
Thank you for visiting, I hope this recipe can be of use to you. Good luck and don't forget to go back to this website;)

3 boneless, skinless chicken bosoms - still solidified
1 can dark beans, flushed (you can likewise utilize your solidified beans)
1 glass salsa (I utilized Picante)
1 glass solidified corn (discretionary)
Spot chicken in simmering pot.
Spot everything else over the chicken and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours.
Serve over rice. You could likewise present with tortillas.
Thank you for visiting, I hope this recipe can be of use to you. Good luck and don't forget to go back to this website;)